About Us

Who are we?

Glasgow Care Foundation was established in 1874 before the NHS and Welfare State with the main aim to alleviate poverty in Glasgow.

With the motto “A Helping Hand not a Hand Out,” we like to think of ourselves as a “Small charity doing big things for Glasgow.” Because all funds earned through fundraising or donations go straight to helping those in need.  That is why our Board of Trustees are voluntary – we are constantly striving to keep costs down.

What we do?

We provide support to some of the poorest families and individuals who cannot get help from any other source. This takes the form of essential household goods (flooring, beds, white goods, etc.). Where there is food poverty, we provide supermarket gift cards to allow people some dignity of choice. We are increasingly concerned about the crisis people will face this year because of fuel poverty and the choice between heating or eating, and we are currently looking for different ways to help.

Our client referrals come from organisations such as Social Work, Housing Associations, Citizens Advice, and other agencies working with vulnerable people.

We also support community projects and we put back the magic into Christmas with gift cards to purchase some toys from Santa’s list or food for Christmas dinner.

For a better understanding of the importance of the Glasgow Care Foundation, we encourage you to read the following statistics as well as the whole report relating to Glasgow’s poverty rates.


3 in 10 children in Glasgow are living in poverty


 In Glasgow, 43.7% of the population resides in areas classified as Scotland's 20% most deprived 


 In Glasgow, over half of our school pupils (56%) reside in the 20% most deprived areas (SIMD Quintile 1), compared to 22% nationally 

 44.4 %

 44.4% of adults in Glasgow struggle to afford food and energy bills.


We are a small charity doing big things for Glasgow, helping Glaswegians when they
cannot help themselves because our main goal is to alleviate poverty and improve quality of life in the city. That is why we empower people and enrich lives by offering practical assistance to people in financial need who have exhausted all available sources, fund local community projects and provide pensions and grants.


We are determined to have a greater impact on reducing poverty in Glasgow by
positively improving 10,000 lives over the next 10 years.


  • COMMUNITY, we as Glaswegians want to help our Glasgow community,
  • EMPATHY, we put ourselves in the position of the Glaswegians we help,
  • DIGNITY, we put the dignity of the people first,
  • TRUST, we work in a trusting environment: “We trust our people and the people we help.”
  • AGILITY, we adapt our purposes to changing circumstances and we will continue to do so to arrive quickly to help Glaswegians in need.

Listen to some testimonies about our work