150 Years of Glasgow Care Foundation
2024 is a very exciting year for Glasgow Care Foundation, as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary. We were established in 1874, before the NHS, before the welfare state. We’re one of Scotland’s oldest charities and to put it in context, we’re older than drinking straws, escalators, moving pictures, light bulbs and telephones! Our mission then was as it is now- to alleviate poverty in Glasgow, to help those suffering, and to create a more equal society. As the world has changed, so has the way in which we’ve worked. We’ve fought our way through rent strikes and the Great Depression, through World Wars and industrial revolutions, through the shipyard closures and through not one, but two global pandemics that fundamentally altered our very way of life. Everything that Glasgow has endured, we have endured too, supporting the city’s most vulnerable citizens through world changing times and events.
Throughout 2024, we’re hosting a number of events and initiatives to celebrate our 150 years. There’s a whole range of things happening, and there’s something for everyone, so it has never been easier to engage with, support and spread the word of one of Glasgow’s oldest charitable institutions.

Other Ways to Get Involved
- Donate £150 for 150 years. This year we’re asking Glasgow businesses to join our exclusive club of supporters. We’re challenging ourselves to get 150 businesses to donate £150 to celebrate 150 years (trying saying that three times fast!). Every single business who donates will get a shout out on our social media, be included in ‘Our Supporters’ on our website and have first opportunity to join our business networking events. You can either donate £150 at once or set up a monthly direct debit for £12.50. It might not seem like a lot to you, but this has the ability to change someone’s life.
Donate via our JustGiving Page here!
- Set up a weekly direct debit for £1.50. £1.50 is nothing. It wouldn’t cover the cost of a coffee, won’t get you a pint and couldn’t stretch to a meal deal for lunch. However, if 50 people donate that amount of ‘nothing’ per week, then in one month we could provide a young single mum with a new washing machine, supply a microwave for an elderly person who no longer has the mobility to stand and cook, or help a young person coming out of care set up their very first permanent home with a Starter Kit. The people we help aren’t asking for the world, and it doesn’t take much to help them get back on their feet. Just £1.50 a week means you’re part of the change.
Set up a weekly or mothly direct debit via our JustGiving Page.