2024 is a very exciting year for Glasgow Care Foundation, as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary. We were established in 1874, before the NHS, before the welfare state. We’re one of Scotland’s oldest charities and to put that into context, we’re older than drinking straws, escalators, moving pictures, light bulbs and telephones! Our mission then was as it is now- to alleviate poverty in Glasgow, to help those suffering, and to create a more equal society.

Because we’re celebrating such a long history, we want to get as many of you involved as possible and create as much buzz as we can, so that we can help even more people. We’ve picked our first event with this in mind!

 So, put your hand up if you made a New Year’s Resolution to be fitter, healthier, or to exercise more? Double hands up if you’d like a hand to smash those goals, all whilst helping others?

We’re inviting you to join us this March, raising money to fight poverty…and how you do it is up to you. For our March 150 Challenge you choose your fitness goal. Why not run, swim, cycle or walk 150km over the course of the month? You can do 15000 sqauts or crunches over March, or maybe you run/attend a dance or exercise class and you want to do a sponsored class lasting 150 minutes? It is entirely up to you and the only limit is your imagination!

Here’s some ideas we came up with: 

Run 150km over the month of March
 Walk 150km
 Swim 150 lengths a week
 Climb 150m each week
 Cycle 150km in March
 Swim 1500m in cold water
 Hillwalk to a combined height of 1500m through March
 Deadlift 150kg (either as an overall weight target or 150 times through the month)
 Do 15000 squats or crunches throughout the month or 150 a day, for those who have a strong constitution!
 Do or host a 150 minute sponsored fitness or dance class

We’ll give you everything you need to get fundraising, from practical assistance to our top tips to raising the most possible. We’ll also keep in touch through the month, helping each other to stay focused and meet our goals! Your friends, family and fans will sponsor your (heroic!) efforts and we’ll use the donations to support those living in poverty, providing essential household goods and supporting community projects and events benefitting those in need. It really is a no brainer!

Sign up here!

Can we feature you on our social media to inspire others?

9 + 15 =

Join our March 150 Challenge!

by | Jan 18, 2024 | News, Uncategorized | 0 comments