Join our March 150 Challenge!

Join our March 150 Challenge!

JOIN OUR MARCH 150 CHALLENGE! 2024 is a very exciting year for Glasgow Care Foundation, as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary. We were established in 1874, before the NHS, before the welfare state. We’re one of Scotland’s oldest charities and to put that into context,...
Glasgow Care Foundation’s Christmas Appeal!

Glasgow Care Foundation’s Christmas Appeal!

Christmas Appeal Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year. It unities families, allows people to spread love and inspires children to dream. We all have memories of waking up early on Christmas morning, and we all remember the excitement of looking...
Join us!

Join us!

Networking Event Something very exciting is happening and we want YOU to be part of it! Here at Glasgow Care Foundation, we are now in our 150th year and will be doing lots of things to celebrate our big birthday throughout 2024! We are so grateful for the support of...
Free Summer Activities!

Free Summer Activities!

We understand how challenging school holidays can be. There are extra mouths to feed and lots of time to fill. Parents can struggle with the costs of extra childcare in the summer months, leaving little budget for extra activities- especially in the current economic...